Agnes Preszler – True art lover

Agnes Preszler was born in 1961 in Budapest, where in 1988 she has obtained the ITA (Information Technology Architect) degree at the Financial and Computistic Academy. In Hungary she has worked in computer centres and at the Hungarian Television of State.

In 1990 she married an Italian citizen and since then she lives in Veroli (Lazio), 80 km from Rome. She is a webmaster for hobby, but accepts also commissions. She takes care of websites also for very prestigious clients like the Museum of the Ancient Book in Villa d’Este, Tivoli and the Casamari Abbey.

She is also correspondant of the Ciociaria Oggi daily newspaper and collaborates with the Civis cultural magazine; both are printed in about 6.000 copies. In 2005 she has obtained the Inars Ciociaria international journalistic prize. She has translated in Italian many poems of Hungarian classic literature, they are published on her personal website and also in the Hungarian Electronic Library.

In 2007, on commission of the Kalligram Editor (Bratislava – Budapest) she has translated in Hungarian “Impure acts – Amado mio” of Pier Paolo Pasolini. The book has been presented in June 2008 in Budapest during the 79th Week of the Book. This is the first literary work of Pasolini ever published in Hungarian language.

She is an art-lover, she has written a great number of articles about expositions and other cultural events. In 2003, after 30 years of artistic inactivity, she has returned to draw, learning the use of the digital tablet. In September 2008 she has begun to realize works with traditional techniques like pencil and charcoal drawing and oil painting. Her works are published by a large number of online galleries, she receives every day invitations for exhibitions in Italy and abroad. She is member of various cultural associations.