Alexandra Manukyan – Inevitable fate

Who are you Alexandra?

I was born and raised in Armenia. Since a very young age my parents engaged me in various after school programs, but at the age of 11 I urged them to take me to an art school. After art school I graduated from Fine Art College, and later from State Pedagogical University where I majored in Teaching Fine Arts. When we immigrated in 1990 to the US, I realized that it’s going to be very hard for an artist to earn a living, so I decided to graduate from a Fashion Design school. After working for many years as a Fashion Designer at some point in my career I had to learn graphic design and stylized fabrics and do screen prints, so I had to take courses at UCLA, and some additional private classes in graphic design.

Later when I became really proficient in graphic design and various graphic applications I started freelancing for different Entertainment Agencies and designed movie posters. Currently I freelance for the fashion industry and paint full time.

When did you realize that you are an artist?

I had a very beautiful childhood, full of fond memories, so when I started drawing it was just a conscious decision. I realized that I had a need of being creative, and the only way I could fully express myself, and could control my ideas, was through drawing or painting.

Read an exclusive interview with Alexandra, written by Maia Sylba in the new edition of Musetouch visual arts magazine…