Anna Vinogradova – Hidden

Anna Vinogradova was born on January 3, 1975 in Krasnodar. In 1994 she entered the Yaroslavl Art School, which she left one year later and entered the preparatory course of Graphic faculty of Repin Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Already in the year 1996 she became a student of Graphic faculty of Repin Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where she was taught from 1996 to 1999 in studios of V.Starov, I. Razdrogin and V. Vetrogonskij. After the third course, Anna Vinogradova decided to withdraw from the Graphics department and moved to the third course of the faculty of Painting in the studio under the direction of V.Pimenov, where she continued her studies, guide by such masters as N.Blokhin, N. Lysak. In year 1999 she produced a series of costumes’ sketches for the cycle of ballets -mysteries of the Vologda choreographic ensemble called “Russian Ballet 21st century”…

See more about this beautiful artist and her incredible art in the new edition of Musetouch visual arts magazine…