Chris Duffy – My name is red

Who are you Chris?

I was born 1966 in Melbourne Australia to an Irish father & Polish mother, in 1970 we moved to London in the UK & I continued to live there until 1988. We were poor & basically lived in the slums. Desperate to leave Thatcher’s Britain & return to Australia I worked double shifts at the local pub to save money for the air fare. Since I have returned to Australia I have worked in the construction industry, sales, a funeral parlour & for the state coroner among others but I have concentrated on art since 1997 when I attended university as a mature aged student. I live in a small coastal area of southern Victoria in Australia for the last 7 years where I strive to survive as a full time artist as well as help manage & curate a small gallery in a seaside town.

Tell us about your first attempt to be creative?

I was one of those kids who, if I wasn’t kicking a football I would be drawing! Often I would wag school & visit London’s great galleries or museums where I would copy (mostly) Rubens nudes in my text books or just stare for hours at the magnificent art on the walls. The smell of ‘old’ paint & the awestruck wonder of this experience is something that has always stayed with me….I have never known to ‘not’ want to draw.


Read an exclusive interview with Chris, written by Maia Sylba, in the new edition of Musetouch Visual Arts Magazine…