Claudio Parentela – Obscure and crazy artworks

Born in 1962, in  Catanzaro, Italy where he lives and works, Claudio Parentela is an illustrator, painter, photographer, mail artist, cartoonist, collagist, free lance journalist…active for many years in the international underground scene. He has collaborated and still does with many magazines of contemporary art, literary and comics in Italy and the world. Some of them are : NY Arts Magazine, Turntable & Blue Light Magazine, Komix, Lit Chaos,Why Vandalism, Thieves Jargon, 180 Mag, Braintwisting, The Doors of Creativity Anthology, Lo Sciacallo Elettronico, Inguine, Stripburger, Lavirint, Komikaze, Mystery Island Magazine, Monoclab, MungBeing Magazine, The Lummox Journal, The Cherotic R(e)volutionary, Sick Puppy, Malefact,Gordo, johnmagazine, SHITTY SHEEP-Lamette, Alchimiadeldolore, Be|Different, UpScene Magazine , Chance, Lucid Moon, Tryst , Carolina Vigna Maru’s Blog,  Abusemagazine, Hijacked, Synthesis,, Spartandog, Numbmagazine, DrexterMagz, Que Suerte, Art …etc…etc…and the list could continue endlessly…

During the 1999 he was guest of the BREAK 21 FESTIVAL in Ljubliana, Slovenia. His obscure and crazy artworks are present and shown in many art galleries in the endless web, and then again at ’’GIRASOLE’’(Villa Basilica), at ’’TABULA RASA’’(Barcellona), at Vahagnartgallery , at ‘’GALERIE SLAPHANGER’’(Amsterdam), ‘’La Casa Di Tolleranza’’(Milan), ’’La Cueva-No Art Gallery’’(Milan),  Spazio Aurora(Milan),  Forte Prenestino(Rome),  Andenken Gallery(USA), ’’ HOEPLI INTERNATIONAL BOOKSTORE EXHIBITION SPACE’’(Milan),  Skorie Industriali(Rome),  the MUKY(Faenza), in Turin with the Association’’Mind The Gap’’,  The ‘’Pina Gallery’’(Koper),  ‘’Diesel Gallery’’(NY),  the ‘’METAVERSO’’(Rome),  the”Virtual Shoe Museum”, ‘’Little Cakes Gallery’’(NY), the’’Interzona’’(Verona), ’’Trainside Gallery’’(Haverhill,USA), ‘’Blah Blah Gallery’’(U.S.A.), ’’Scaremongering Gallery’’(USA), ‘’Sage Club’’ (Berlin)..etc..etc…

He collaborated and still collaborates with many bands of industrial music, noise, experimental and electronic, harsh and death and metal core, punk. He illustrated poems, stories and music of Gavin Burrows ,Harry Wilkens, Vittorio Baccelli ,Claudio Morici,  Alberto Rizzi, Cristiano Quadalti, Shannon Colebank, Gary Sneyd, Robert Smith, Michael Kriesel, Mark Sonnenfeld, Nathan Medema, Richard D.Houff and others.

He realized for various publishers some booklets of illustrations and comics: ’’Il Ratto Bavoso”, ’’L’Incubo Dimezzato’’(Innovation Studio-B.G.A.Comix-Italy);’ ’Fashion Robot’’(David Lasky-Seattle-USA), ’’L’Agnello Sacrificale e la Salamandra Impiccata al Patè 666’’(Medicina Nucleare-Italy), ’’Storie’’(Progetto Siderurgiko-Italy),’’Eudemoni’’ and ’’Piccola Trilogia Nera’’(Poems of Alberto Rizzi and of Cristiano Quadalti with Claudio Parentela’s illustrations -Criatu Prod.-Italy), ’’Jeanne Dark You Got Balls’’ and’’The Frogs’ Ballet’’(Self-produced), ’’Black Kisses and Other Stories’’, and ‘’The Book Of Secrets’’(La Cafetiere Editions-Belgium), ’’Endless Tongue’’(texts of Richard D.Houff and Claudio Parentela’s illustrations -The Benway Institute-USA),’’Else Beds’’(Claudio Parentela’s illustrations and poems of Nathan Medema-JesusBunny Press-Canada), ’’The Savage Soldier’’ (Luca Menichini Prod.-Italy), ’’Derrumbe’’ ( Valter Casini Ed.-Italy),’’Matter Ballet’’(Claudio Parentela’s illustrations and poems of Michael Kriesel-BoneWorld Publishing-USA),’’Social Reform’’(poems of Shannon Colebank and Claudio Parentela’s illustrations-Whizzbanger Prod.-USA), ’’Le Miopi Della Montagna’’(Underground-Press-Italy).