David Anthony Hall – Power and Harmony

My creative vision is about more than just a beautiful image, my interest lies in capturing the natural environment that exudes presence of a powerful past.

Intent on connecting an anthropological and geographical history to expose a sense of mystery and wonder, to reveal the force, power and harmony in nature, mindful of the tenuous balance between man and the environment, my work envelops and compels. Often to the exclusion of man, sometimes because of man and typically in spite of man.

My work represents my emotional attachment to the forces on our planet and our fleeting presence on it, by rousing the emotions and connecting us with the beauty found in nature. I create large format images in sizes up to 5′ x 9′ which opens up a wide space for my audience to escape to and reflect upon, explore and transpose themselves. The work I exhibit gives me a huge sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. Put simply; ‘This is exactly what I should be doing.’ I revisit locations over a period of days, months and even years as I wait for the elements; sun or moon, high tides, spring leaves to flower or autumn to peak. For this reason all of the work I show has equal importance. This purposeful approach can result in planning shoots years in advance, and affords me the best possible chance of capturing and conveying the beauty of our rich and diverse natural environment. I am forever humbled by the forces that have made it so and its contrast to the frailty of human existence and just how much one takes for granted.


David Anthony Hall on Facebook

Upcoming & Current Exhibitions:
16-22 Nov • Brick Lane Gallery London
AAF Singapore

For invitations to future shows please forward your name & address details with full postcode to David via https://www.photohall.com/

There are only a limited number of tickets for Art Fairs and demand is usually high, group shows and solo shows are generally unrestricted.

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