Ilaria Berenice Gasperoni – The way of art

After studying anthropology at Siena, Ilaria started painting as a self-taught, developing and consolidating painting techniques during long stays in Spain, Brazil, India in a blend with local cultures and different art forms such as music , theater and dance.
Her beginnings were marked by spontaneous creations of 2D and 3D collage  simultaneously with the crochet work, learned this in Brazil watching the elders of the village where she lived and that she revisited to create works that resulted in three-dimensional eclectic compositions. In Brazil, Ilaria also worked at the Art Gallery of Totonho, attended by the leading artists of the Pelourinho, the historic district of Salvador in Bahia.
Back in Milan she made many exhibitions in galleries, bistros and cultural associations. The artistic influences are also the result of the encounter with extraordinary artists such as the Danish Anders Pedersen, the Italian, Juliana Bellini, Mintoy and Umberto Faini.
She has done many commissioned works and one of them called “Piazza Fontana” was published on the  italian calendar 2007  “El calendari milanes”. In 2008 I illustrated the book “Beyond any reasonable doubt” written by Francesco Tufano, President of the European Railway Workers Association, published by CSA Editor (Italy). Again in 2008 the Spanish writer and critique Eva Minguet Camara has dedicated several pages to her artworks in her book titled “Ilustración de vanguardia” published by Monsa Editor of Barcelona (Spain).
For her series of abstract artworks she found many similarities and inspiration in the books “The spiritual in art” of Kandinsky and “On the way of signs” by Henri Michaux, and right to her abstract artworks was dedicated by Morris & Casini Foundation of Rome a large exhibition entitled ” Light vibrations”
The latest exhibition entitled “Ambientarte”, by artists who use recycled materials, was inaugurated in December 2009 at the Art Gallery of Contemporary Art of Gaeta with exhibited some of her artworks of the Series “Collage and painting”, and was extended until 7 March for the interest aroused by the public and the critics. It was concluded with the event “Eco-Globe Media” on April 18, 2010 during the Med Yacht Festival organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Latina.

In the meantime Ilaria is executing various collaborations and action painting with various artists and musicians of different mold and provenance.