Ivar S. Benavides – Where only the imagination can take you

Ivar Benavides, invites you through his paintings to places or emotions where only the imagination can take you… where only the colors are total owners of the places… where, the artistic ability, is an instrument of colors to make from a; Landscape, Ideas, Thoughts, the most pleasant emotion, excitement or perhaps the most intriguing atmosphere.
Ivar Benavides Santana does not put name nor titles to his paintings, neither does he talk about them, because he says that his art is for exposing it, and that in his paintings everything are expressed through compositions, harmony, contrast, colors and lines, that make an impression of; places, ideas, feelings, thoughts, imagination and creation in each one of his Piece of art. Ivar Benavides Santana, was born on February 3 of 1953 in Oficina Chile, in 1961 he moved with his family to the city of Antofagasta, Chile. In 1987 he emigrated to the U.S.A. living in Perkasie Pennsylvania, later in Jersey City New Jersey, and lately in Vancouver Washington in the United State of America.

Veronica Benavides
