J&D Designs was creatively developed by Devrryn Jenkins & Justin Chase in 2009. The creators came together after years of friendship because of a common interest in thought provoking, story-telling artwork and decided to team up with the common goal of re-inventing visual art as a whole while bringing back true originality to the artistic world. Everyone is an artist in one way or another. These individuals have decided to take that to the next level by developing 100% of the concepts by hand.
J&D Designs – Everyone is an artist
Maia SylbaOctober 7, 20100 comments
Nikolaj Lund – More than music
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September 15, 2010Giring Prihatyasono was born in Indonesia, in 1980. He graduated at Indonesian Institute of Art. girink@yahoo.co.id Awards: - Finalist of…Tiarma Sirait – Fabulous pink
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