Katarina Stefanovic – Harmless illusion

“I’ve read lots of comments, blog posts and forum topics about my photographs, whether I use photoshop or not, and should photoshop be used at all. It’s an honest question, but, as far as I’m concern, I had a goal to use photography as ‘prima materia’, a base, and through editing create a fusion of reality and vision.

I am not a photo reporter, so I don’t feel obligated to honor every detail. What I’m trying to achieve is to emphasize the whole potential of a shot, creating a sight that I’d like if existed.. And since it’s impossible in real life, I do it in virtual 🙂 My work is maybe more similar to ‘photo-painting’ than photography.

Join me! After all, there is a reality of everything you imagine 🙂 If you had recognized my work, than we share the same vision, and they are yours as much as they are mine!

It’s a harmless illusion – your personal, real life reality is only a click away… 🙂 🙂 :)”

Katarina Stefanovic
