Margarita Georgiadis – Thought and emotion

“Margarita Georgiadis was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1968. She educated herself in philosophy and physics. This research underpins her work, to such an extent that she fondly compares painting to writing. Georgiadis had an epiphany after the passing of her father. It was a confrontation with the reality death. Her subsequent work strives to depict the imperceptible, using translucent layers of muted colors, among other painterly devices. For Georgiadis, the act of painting serves to “elucidate a relationship between thought and emotion”. Her work was shortlisted for The Archibald Prize in 2009. It is exhibited regularly at the Rex Livingston Gallery in Sydney and the Edwina Corlette Galleryin Brisbane.”

See more about this wonderful incredible artist and her art by visiting her official web site at the link below…