Marjan Mazaheri – Inspired by love

” I was born and studied in Tehran, Iran, and now I live in Toronto, Canada.

Painting is something I must do, and it’s a major part of my life. I have been painting for as long as I can remember and at an early age I knew I was going to be an artist. I have attended numerous art classes since I was a kid; however educating in a totally unrelated field caused me to have painting as a hobby for a long time. When I sold the first art piece, I thought if there is even person who is interested in my paintings, I have to go back to my natural artistic talent and interest and paint. So in recent years I made painting as a full time job for myself. Thanks to my husband for his unconditional support and my father for his encouragement.

My paintings are influenced mostly by cubism and abstract and my favorite artists are Picasso, Matisse, Chagall, Mark Rothko, among others. As an emerging artist with my own individual style, I cast my artwork with energy and passion. I can be inspired by almost anything; it could be a human emotion, a beautiful landscape, a lovely story or a tender melody. Then I imagine the object in an abstract look and try to stay away from the basic routine and technique, because I enjoy creating something new. I like to use expressive, vibrant colors; my palette is full of bright colors because I try to create an emotional expression in a very physical environment through the texture and dynamic colors in my paintings. To me painting is just creating something positive and full of energy that hopefully brings joy and hope to someone’s life.

My goal is to make somebody look at my piece and have them smile and forget about their daily routine problems, even if it’s just for a moment. That’s what I’m trying to accomplish when I create a painting. I believe that an artist transfers some of his/her life energy in to the painting (as I try to transfer my perception and appreciation of life in to my paintings.), and this is what makes the artwork so valuable.”

Marjan Mazaheri
