Nathan Spoor – Comfort in the unknown

Who are you Nathan?

I am an artist, a person, a male being that mostly paints and sometimes writes words as stories or essays or interviews. I’m interested in consistent workouts, long stretches of painting time, great musicians, comedy, stories about space or ancient civilizations. I’ve been spending the last ten years in Los Angeles working on a body of paintings, curating art shows, trying to be a better or more effective communicator. That really doesn’t sum up who I am though. I’m a hopeless romantic and lover of the positive in life, I eat less meat than I used to. I am happiest when I am painting, that much I know. I do not like to be in traffic, but it’s part of your dues living in a large city like Los Angeles.

Read an exclusive interview with Nathan, written by Maia Sylba in the new edition of Musetouch visual arts magazine…