Patrick Gonzales – Another reality

“Patrick Gonzalez is an artist of 43 years Longvic capita in France. For a long time in his adventure with art, he became interested in painting, but in 1998 he turned to digital technology. Unfortunately I do not know his works as a painter, but for photography, I admit that his photos are full of magic and transport us into another reality. The series was recently presented crée. Son main theme is dreams and childhood. The artist said that his works are influenced by the example surréalisme.Par by the Italian painter Giorgio De Chirico. This inspiration is very visible. Ses photos are images of dreams, fantasies and imaginations. They include elements in itself wonderful and unreal. Patrick Gonzlez transports us into the fantasy world where imagination is changing our daily journey of dreams, which remind us of the Little Prince…”

Dominique Dynia

See more about this incredible artist and his photography art by visiting his official web site at the link below…