Peter Kemp – Storrytelling pictures

“Coming from the always rainy Holand in former days I loved to draw. With my photography I got more tools to fit in all details into my photo stories, which are running through my head all day. I like to do story telling pictures in a vintage atmosphere. Trying to create some mystery and glamour into pics. Firstly by trying to create the old light, which is well known by the Dutch Master painters like Johannes Vermeer. Secondly by working together with my beautiful models and team to join me into my photo projects.

My scenes focus a lot on details, with just a quick look. But a deep and longer look might open the door to another journey. I guess I like to create little stories within my stories. Well …anyway all details are thought of long before the camera clicks.”

Peter Kemp

See more about Peter and his artwork in the new edition of Musetouch Visual Arts Magazine.