Sanna Tomac – The loveliness, mystery and wonder

Moved by the war in Croatia, Sanna became a Red Cross registered nurse in 1995. From 1996-1998, she studied drawing and painting at The Florence Academy of Art, and later with the painter Odd Nerdrum in Norway. In 2001 she, along with her husband Hans-Peter Szameit, founded Pantura Studios in the United States where together they teach a growing group of students who come from across the country and abroad.

“Painting is a means for me to contribute something of beauty to the lives of others and express the loveliness, mystery and wonder of the world around us (without the use of words). Outside of motherhood, it is what gives my life value and purpose.”

Sanna Tomac

See more about this beautiful artist and her art by visiting her official web site at the link below…