Tomaas – Like magic

“I grew up in Hamburg, Germany. As a kid I worked in front of the camera, and I always enjoyed the energy on a set. It was also the sound of the old Hasselblad cameras that to me was like magic. The fast, distinct whining sound of them was something I very much enjoyed hearing. I got my first camera at fifteen. I’d go to the zoo and photograph the animals, or just walk the streets of Hamburg and take pictures of people and architecture. In high school I did a year as an exchange student in San Francisco, but then went back to Germany to finish my final year. Photography was always my passion, something I did naturally, but it was never something I thought I could make a career of, so after high school I went to University in Salzburg and Hamburg and majored in Political Science and Communications Science…”

See more about this incredible artist and his photography art by visiting his official web site at the link below…