Gad Berry – Big dream

Maia : Who are you Gad?

Gad : I’m photographer, traveler of the road less common. Fruit of the desire of my parents, I came to the world to thwart the experts. The grandest specialist and nephrologist as that time had a strongly discouraged my mother to risk her life. My place of birth…Paris 6.09.1985. is neither a country nor a continent, but rather a minor art…cinema…this is my life really psyhicaly. I grew up in a family of artists. Very likely curious and self-taught…

Maia : What does photography mean to you?

Gad : For me, photography is a way of life. It’s the best way for me to steal the beauty all over the world, to be able to share it with everyone. Photography is helping people to open their eyes on what is around them, hoping that it will make them open their mind.

Photographing for me it is, as a 6 ° sense with integrated flash, fully disengaged, synchronized in my memory, the film, a trillion compressed images, in my brain, a young man’s. Photography is for me a real representation of my subconscious. I see what I feel, it is a witness, a confession, a major art because there can be no cheating. My case goes until 8 milliseconds seconds. Impossible to follow even with Einstein’s brain.

Read an exclusive interview with Gad, written by Maia Sylba in the new edition of Musetouch Visual Arts Magazine.