Sumita Acharya – Into your heart

Sumita Acharya paints in vibrant, expressive colors that jump off the wall into your heart. Smorgasbord, that’s what she playfully calls her works, using the word as a metaphor for the buffet of colors she uses, both hot and cold. Sumita’s works are vibrant Her subjects are contemporary, a smorgasbord of expressive images in bold lines, intense color planes, sometimes abstracted, often distorted.

Sumita (born 1967,Mumbai) graduated from Calcutta University, earned a degree with distinction in Fashion Design and launched her own pretty and avantgarde label “Ritun” for export and domestic market. Later , as a category manager for a multinational footwear giant she proved her skill in marketing functions at a national level. Eventually, she moved away from her corporate career in 1997 to pursue her true passion under the tutelage of eminent artists in Kolkata. She honed her skill in drawing , painting, sculptures and specially Indian painting over the years that followed. Her root in Bengal school of art integrating with European Fauvism and Pop Art gave her works a unique ,vibrant character and a distinguishable style of her own. Her recent shows in Mumbai & Kolkata were well received by the art fraternity.She paints in series and her works are collected in India,UK,USA and France.Sumita lives and works in Mumbai.

Sumita is a member of Bombay Art Society and Art Society of India.