Vitaly Geyman – Soulful, dreamlike fine art photography

Born in The Ukraine, Vitaly spent the first twelve years of his life in Kiev, a colorful and culturally rich city replete with old cathedrals and large oak trees. He was a sensitive and highly imaginative child. Vitaly viewed the world as a series of moving pictures. Stored in his memory, the visions of this ancient city would later come to him in dreams.

At the age of twelve his parents decided to leave what was then the U.S.S.R, as political refugees. After spending time in Italy they immigrated to Australia where Vitaly spent his formative years. The beauty and vastness of Australia touched his heart and it is where he began his love affair with nature. However, it was not until his move to the United States in 2003 that he begun to fully immerse himself in the art of photography.

Vitaly received an MBA from Monash University in Australia. He was also trained as an actor and a life coach. His photography comes from a multidisciplinary perspective. It conveys his intimate connection with nature and the power of its beauty. Vitaly’s work has been greatly influenced by David Lorenz Winston, a mentor and a friend who is an acclaimed photographer, well known for his serene winter landscapes including his work titled, Solitude.

Vitaly’s soulful, dreamlike fine art photography has also been greatly influenced by the work of John Wimberley, a well known photographer who has a great collection of B&W photography, with over 50 exhibitions. It is John’s belief that great photographic art transports us into another dimension. Vitaly’s artistic journey is an ongoing exploration of the beauty, simplicity and wisdom of nature. It is a continuous learning process, inspired by passion and love of life.