Michael Alan – Enigmas

“To create something beautiful, and then disfigure the dynamics of the structure. Go back in and recreate the system of drawing by finding the opposite. To distrust what is easy.

We are in a state of extreme change as a culture, people, planet and art period. My drawings, paintings and performances embrace inner change and cultural acceptance. They celebrate movement, and reach for the ultimate achievement of occupying and embodying multiple spaces at once, without confusion. These are the progressive actions & inner struggles that can be seen inside the bodies and forms of my subjects.

As we evolve, the balancing act of fast-paced life becomes a tightrope walk, and my work walks along this edge, pushing and pulling between beginning and end. The creative process behind my work reflects the ideas they present. This process pushes the boundaries of drawing and painting, by dissecting and amplifying, sampling and distorting with a touch of pretty. It’s a combination of quick action, meticulous observation, harmonious opposites, agitation, crossbreeding, and unanswered hypotheses.”

Michael Alan
