Tom Przondzion – Somewhere deep inside

Tom, as a long time raving fan of your art, I am very pleased to interview you today and present your works to the readers of Musetouch. Let’s start by learning a bit about yourself. Please tell us who you are and what made you become an artist!

My name is Tom Przondzion, I am 43 years old and I would describe myself as someone who is commonly considered „very sensitive“ to the subtleties in life. I am someone who notices little nuances – maybe more than other people do. My personal history with art is a little bit of a detour history. I started really early (as a kid) with paintings but I never considered it to be a carreer option. It simply was for me the one thing where I could relax best to, where I felt „this is something that is in my blood and I just enjoy doing it immensely without anyone having to push me into it“. So it’s something that simply comes out of myself…


Read an exclusive interview with Tom, written by Nini Baseema, in the new edition of Musetouch Visual Arts Magazine…